Tips For Traveling with a Baby

Hello everyone!

Tyler and I recently took Ella on her first plane ride to Minnesota to visit Tyler’s family. We were both somewhat apprehensive about taking a 5 month old on a plane. Who wants to be the parents with the screaming baby? Not us!

It actually went much better than expected. I had reached out to other mom’s on instagram and was given several tips that did help us a lot so I thought I would share!

Here we go:

  1. Pack efficiently. Be sure you have everything you will need on the plane packed into your carry on bag. Be sure you have enough diapers, extra bottles, toys, and outfits for baby. You don’t want to overpack but be sure you have what you need too. I went through several online check lists to be sure I didn’t forget anything.

  2. I packed a travel sound machine. This helped Ella know when it was nap time and night time since she always sleeps with white noise when she is at home.

  3. Feed baby on take off and landing. The altitude changes can cause pressure in their ears which can hurt. This is why babies often cry during take off and landing. Feeding them or at least having a pacifier handy for them to suck on can help them pop their ears.

  4. Bring a brand new toy for baby. This will be exciting for them and help distract them if they get upset.

  5. You can bring your stroller and check it right at the gate. We brought Ella’s stroller/carseat combo right up to the plane. This was beyond helpful!

  6. Change your baby right before you board the plan and apply a ton of desitan to keep them comfy. It may be a while before the plane gets in the air and the seat belt light turns off so you can change them again.

  7. Try to time their nap time with fly time. This does not always work but can be helpful.

  8. This was the best tip given to me by an airport security guard, “Just get in your baby bubble. Don’t worry about anyone else on the plane. You’ll never see any of them again anyways.”

  9. Bring anti-bacterial wipes. We flew Delta and felt that they did an amazing job spreading everyone out and keeping things clean but I still felt better having my own wipes to wipe down the things Ella could touch.

  10. Don’t get stressed out. Your baby can sense your anxiety. So just relax and enjoy the time. Babies fuss sometimes and it’s ok!

Overall, Ella did amazing! She loved the airport and seeing everything going on around her. She only got a little fussy mid flight and was fighting falling asleep because she loved seeing everything going on around her. Traveling with her was not as hard as I expected and we will definitely be doing it again! Having a child that can adapt and still follow a schedule no matter where we are has been important to use because we want to be able to bring her with us on all our adventures as she grows up!

I hope you found at least one of these tips helpful! Good luck mamas!

